IVS Analysis Report for R11022 ($21OCT25XA) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Sergei Bolotin, NVI, Inc. / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Spoolfile source: interactive solve/nuSolve analysis.) Problems: AGGO Lots of non-detections on baseline Ag-Ht in X-band. HART15M Lots of non-detections on baseline Ag-Ht in X-band. MATERA Antenna problem (16:15-16:23); RFI in S-band particularly affecting channel SR6U, the channel removed from fringe fitting. Cable calibrations degrade the solution and were turned off. NYALES20 Ny as tagalong. Observed with warm receiver. NYALE13S Ns as tagalong. Phasecal not available. Multiple subambiguities in S-band on MATERA and RAEGSMAR baselines. Parameterization comments: None. Other comments: None. ----------------------------------------- Session statistics Observations: 3826 scheduled 3823 correlated (in database) 3322 recoverable (usable) 3067 used Session fit: 32.635 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO 489 369 358 73.2% HART15M 964 783 757 78.5% MATERA 1454 1287 1150 79.1% NYALE13S 332 265 252 75.9% NYALES20 439 360 351 80.0% RAEGSMAR 1424 1335 1162 81.6% SEJONG 700 498 468 66.9% WETTZELL 1440 1386 1295 89.9% YARRA12M 410 361 341 83.2% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 3826 3322 3067 80.2% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 1508+572 9 9 8 88.9% 0227+403 17 17 15 88.2% 0302-623 37 37 0 0.0% 0548+084 19 19 1 5.3% 1423+146 2 2 0 0.0% 2111+400 4 4 3 75.0% 1920-211 7 7 3 42.9% 0955+326 41 41 35 85.4% 0216+011 4 4 3 75.0% 0235+164 147 147 133 90.5% 2214+241 54 54 43 79.6% 2325+093 13 13 13 100.0% 0059+581 587 587 441 75.1% 0454-234 193 193 184 95.3% 0727-115 187 187 178 95.2% 0823+033 26 26 19 73.1% 0955+476 68 68 51 75.0% 1057-797 38 38 37 97.4% 1124-186 35 35 32 91.4% 1144-379 34 34 22 64.7% 1255-316 45 45 35 77.8% 1351-018 30 30 23 76.7% 1451-375 27 27 20 74.1% 1606+106 66 66 53 80.3% 1749+096 79 79 68 86.1% 3C371 253 253 185 73.1% 1954-388 21 21 19 90.5% 2052-474 25 25 17 68.0% 3C446 187 187 149 79.7% 2255-282 51 51 46 90.2% 0346-279 20 20 17 85.0% 0420-014 187 187 183 97.9% 0613+570 210 210 152 72.4% 1636+473 10 10 9 90.0% 1909+161 7 7 6 85.7% 2000+472 155 155 124 80.0% 2229+695 50 50 47 94.0% 0446+112 8 8 8 100.0% 0716+714 75 75 62 82.7% 0748+126 37 37 33 89.2% 1059+282 39 39 22 56.4% 1144+402 299 299 227 75.9% 1705+018 40 40 35 87.5% 1758+388 6 6 5 83.3% 2059+034 35 35 31 88.6% 0322+222 22 22 21 95.5% 2008-159 107 104 85 79.4% 0332-403 80 80 60 75.0% 1243-160 50 50 47 94.0% 1308+328 4 4 4 100.0% 0437-454 20 20 16 80.0% 0827+243 23 23 17 73.9% 2126-158 36 36 20 55.6% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 3826 3823 3067 80.2% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO-HART15M 225 126 123 54.7% AGGO-MATERA 62 56 52 83.9% AGGO-NYALE13S 0 NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-NYALES20 0 NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-RAEGSMAR 127 116 113 89.0% AGGO-SEJONG 0 NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-WETTZELL 72 71 70 97.2% AGGO-YARRA12M 3 0 DESELECTED 0.0% HART15M-MATERA 205 178 169 82.4% HART15M-NYALE13S 2 0 DESELECTED 0.0% HART15M-NYALES20 9 0 DESELECTED 0.0% HART15M-RAEGSMAR 202 186 175 86.6% HART15M-SEJONG 39 31 30 76.9% HART15M-WETTZELL 179 168 166 92.7% HART15M-YARRA12M 103 94 94 91.3% MATERA-NYALE13S 65 56 53 81.5% MATERA-NYALES20 94 75 73 77.7% MATERA-RAEGSMAR 407 392 307 75.4% MATERA-SEJONG 132 64 56 42.4% MATERA-WETTZELL 433 420 397 91.7% MATERA-YARRA12M 56 46 43 76.8% NYALE13S-NYALES20 70 67 64 91.4% NYALE13S-RAEGSMAR 57 55 49 86.0% NYALE13S-SEJONG 65 28 27 41.5% NYALE13S-WETTZELL 61 59 59 96.7% NYALE13S-YARRA12M 12 0 DESELECTED 0.0% NYALES20-RAEGSMAR 77 72 69 89.6% NYALES20-SEJONG 94 57 56 59.6% NYALES20-WETTZELL 81 81 81 100.0% NYALES20-YARRA12M 14 8 8 57.1% RAEGSMAR-SEJONG 96 65 60 62.5% RAEGSMAR-WETTZELL 435 430 372 85.5% RAEGSMAR-YARRA12M 23 19 17 73.9% SEJONG-WETTZELL 127 108 105 82.7% SEJONG-YARRA12M 147 145 134 91.2% WETTZELL-YARRA12M 52 49 45 86.5% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 3826 3322 3067 80.2% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.